Collie Y-litter 2012 - Rosegarden Kennel

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Rassehundezucht seit 1982 von
- Langhaarcollies (bis 2015)
- Bordercollies
- Welsh Corgis Pembroke

Birgit & Deryn Fricke
Horstweg 44
31228 Peine
Telefon +49 (0) 517 25551

Rough Collie Litter Y, 2012
Ch. Rosegarden Xplosive Flame was mated to JCh. Heaven can Wait vom Haus Rosenpracht on July 4, 2012, so hopefully after a long period without puppies we are expecting a litter of Collie puppies in mid-June.

Heaven Can Wait
vom Haus Rosenpracht

Ch. Amalie Prince of Love
Ch. Lynmead Simply in my Soul
Amalie Loves to Love
Camanna Mama Cass
Ch. Camanna the Copyist
Mallicot Make Belive in Camanna
Ch. Rosegarden Xplosive Flame

Ch. Fairy Lodge He Will Be loved
Ch. Influence
of the Night Raiders Home
Fairy Lodge Prima Donna
Rosegarden Quickstep to Heaven
Old Golden Gates Arresting Mind
Ch. Rosegarden's Heaven Sent

We went to ultrasound on May 11, 2012 and the vet saw 6 amniotic tubes. So we hope for puppies around June 9 and we are especially looking forward to the first Collie litter after 3 years.

Here we are! We, that are 3 males and 3 females. We were born on June 8, 2012 between 14.00 h to 17.22 h. We weigh between 200 and 300 g. Top fit and lively we have survived the birth stress quickly and crawled to the "milk bar". Our mother is doing very well and she is very proud of us. Peter, Deryn and Birgit too, of course.

June 24, 2012 - We have been eating beef tartare since yesterday and that is really delicious. Our breeder thinks we are "schmaddling". Funny word, but she means that our "table manners" should get even better. Well, okay we have now time enough to practice.

Otherwise we are doing fine, it is great to be able to hear. So we get to know immediately when our mum or someone else comes into the room. And then it starts - everybody wants to be the first and everybody gets restless.

We have already tried barking, sounds still a bit poor but our breeder thinks it would not be necessary to perfect that.

July 2, 2012 - Hello here are the 6 Y-Babies from Peine again. Now we are already 3 weeks old and we are doing great. However, in our young life we have already had to go through a lot. We already had 2x worming treatments, 1x manicure and pedicure and 1x change of room. Not bad for 3 weeks.

Well, the new place is good, we have now much more space to play. Yes, right heard we play, wrestle, growl and try to bark. We also like to eat, but we are still working on our table manners.

Here are some photos, they were taken today, the weights are also from today.  So you can look at us and see our new home.

The following names have been chosen by our breeders, but not yet assigned, because they want to see which one fits best to whom.

Here they are:

You're my Heaven, ♂
Yumpin' Jack, ♂
Yungle Drum, ♂
Yamaica Fever,  ♀
Yoin Yersey, ♀
Yust a Breeze, ♀

Photos, taken July 30, 2012

Little puppies grow up:

Rosegarden You’re my Heaven (Simba) feels really comfortable with the Dittrich family.

Rosegarden Yumpin’ Jack (Yumper) now lives with the Ulbrich family.

Rosegarden Yungle Drum (Barry) lives with the Nehrkorn family.

Rosegarden Yamaica Fever (Flamy) hase moved to the Tott family.

Rosegarden Yoin Yersery (Magic) now is at home with the Free family.

Rosegarden Yust a Breeze (Pebbles).
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